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3 modules 2 days each
10:00 - 18:00
60 000 uah
Service school
How service level affects your business performance and how to build a high-level service system.
Program's Target Audience: Chiefs of Service and Marketing Departments, CEOs, and top managers, who
seek to build a service system that will retain existing customers and attract new ones
are determined that long-term customer relations are the company's strategy and require a holistic view of service, customers, and sales
aim to increase the lifecycle of clients without large investments and to work systematically with people in their company
What does the Program provide?
go through a rigorous process of building an effective service system in your company
create a road map and choose the tools to implement the service system in your company
get a set of unique tools to implement the service system in your company (from service vision to customer experience standards) and practice skills to apply these tools in practice
select, recruit, and retain only naturally gifted employees
work in a group and learn through discussions, debates, and home assignments
The structure of the program
November 26-27
Module 1
10:00 - 18:00
System service. Service culture. internal service and standards.

  • What is the impact of the company's service? Service skills. Why employees are reluctant to provide a high level of service? The role of the cultural component. What is a service and what does it consist of? What components are most important to your business.
  • Negative Client Experience: What are the procedures and policies of the company that deter the client? The sell-serve strategy is what the company focuses on in dealing with clients.
  • Service culture of the company: How to create internal service in the company? How to select, hire and retain only people with DNA service?
  • Unbreakable service standards of World-Class Service companies. Practical task: create a list of immutable standards for your business.
  • Involvement of employees to provide a high level of service. The system of service in the company. How to Create a Business Purpose for the Client What does your company actually sell to the Client? What value do you bring to the Client? One day from the Client's life.



Presentation "One day from the life of the client" (actually spend the day with the client).

Analyze and pick up negative signals for the client.



January 28-29
Module 2
10:00 - 18:00
Constant service. Measurement of service. How to be risk-free for the client?

  • Operating and Customer Experience Standards.
  • Secret service. How to gain true loyalty through invisible customer personalization systems?
  • Customer Experience Cycle: the stages of the client's communication with the company. Practical task: to identify defects of service at each stage, standards of experience and possibility to exceed client's expectations on the case of the participating company.
  • "Zero Risk" protocol: what to do with service defects? How to make the customer experience risk-free for the company and for the customer (ZeroRiskSystems)? Practical task: identify the main categories of customer calls within your business and think about staffing tools. 
  • How to work with clients in crisis situations?
  • Tools for research and evaluation of service. Case studies and practical tasks.



Create service standards and visualize the customer experience cycle.

Create protocols for dealing with emergencies.


February 25-26
Module 3
10:00 - 18:00
Service design. implementation of changes in the company.

  • Measurement of service: first "why" and then "how".
  • Service Design: what is it? (methodology and workshop).
  • Implementation of changes in the company.
  • Service manager: who is it? How to practice being a leader who creates a service culture?
  • Culture of exceeding customer expectations: how to encourage employees to exceed customer expectations?


Project presentation:

What have you implemented during the training?

Implementation strategy in the company.


Anastasia Vladychynska more details
Maryna Starodubska more details
Adjunct professor
What do you need to attend?
Application form
fill out the online application form
speak with the Program Manager
Participation confirmation
booking a place in the group is made after payment
60 000 uah
Apply for the program
For more information about the program, please contact
Olha Shevel
EDP program manager
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