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How public organizations work during the war: Association of ATO Veteran Entrepreneurs
How public organizations work during the war: Association of ATO Veteran Entrepreneurs
People. Leadership and management. Culture
The Association of ATO Veteran Entrepreneurs was founded in 2016, and in 2021 it was headed by Serhiy Pozniak, a graduate of the Presidents' MBA, the founder of the financial company FinStream, as well as a military serviceman who lost part of his leg during hostilities. The other day, thanks to the cooperation of the Association with the government, a state grant program was launched for those veterans who want to create or develop their businesses.

Under the terms of this program, the state is ready to invest 70% of the funds needed to implement the project. It offers three types of grants: UAH 250,000 on the condition that one workplace is created, UAH 500,000 for two workplaces, and UAH 1 million provided that four jobs are created, of which at least two will be occupied by veterans or persons with disabilities resulting from the war.

This program is a pilot project, and Serhii Pozniak calls it the most effective of the existing state programs to support veteran businesses. It is difficult to overestimate its importance because it concerns the reintegration of veterans returning from the war, the creation of new jobs, and tax revenue for the budget.

Of course, this is only the beginning because the state still has a long way to go to work systematically with veterans, providing them with the necessary support. And here, the Association can come in handy because, from the beginning of its existence, it has supported veteran entrepreneurs' businesses. Among them is the Veterano Pizza project. Serhii recently shared with the Telegraf publication that in 2021 the Association invested $2 million in veteran businesses.

According to Serhiy, 64% of military personnel would like to open a business after the end of the war. However, they often lack knowledge. That is why another direction of the Association's activity is education — it helps veteran entrepreneurs gain the knowledge they need to open and run a business successfully and conducts training programs for them. kmbs is also involved here: the school invites veterans to management development programs.

The Association continues its work on simplifying business conduct by veteran entrepreneurs because there are still many problems. And Serhiy invites you to participate in the state grant program, check how it works, and provide feedback — this will help improve it.

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